The following photos were taken on a vintage film camera. Each shot contains genuine character without being fixed by a computer algorithm. Life in film: The dust! The lint! The defects! Like Schubert playing the piano:
Is the innocence of Eden gone?
If so, does it have to be?
Did you know female rattlesnakes secrete small amount of sex pheromones, which leave a trail for the males to follow? Once a receptive female is found, the male often spends several days stalking her, going to her work, sending her flowers, frequently touching and rubbing her in an attempt to stimulate her. Like a good sperm bank, females can store semen for months with internal recesses known as spermathecae.
Captured in the Stanislaus National Forest about a 2-3 hour drive from San Francisco, California.
The most important thing about taking naughty photos in public spaces is to not get caught!