Lucian Wintrich had plenty of time to explore his passions for photography, gayness and Donald Trump after he was fired from an advertising job in New York City, which culminated into "Twinks4Trump," a photo exhibit challenging progressive narratives. Is it wrong to be gay and vote Republican?
Lucian signed a lease at Pierogia's "The Boiler" in New York for an art exhibit to showcase his work, but under relentless pressure the gallery reneged on the lease, believing white Twinks in "Make America Great Again" hats was racist.
"The art world, and much of the gay world in general, has become so homogenized, so complacent in its banal, self-loving consensus, that it will silence any dissenting voice."
Most of the photography scene in San Francisco is the same as Lucian witnessed in New York — bland, boring and repetitive.
Agree or disagree with Lucian's politics, but he showcases a divergent message it's okay to be gay and different.
Lucian's work is so mouthy I love it.